U.S. Court overturned the proposition 8 in California, which bans same sax marriage! I was in a cab, listening to this great news from radio. San Francisco Mayor said that with this court case "...the government of the people, by the people, for the people cannot discriminate against the people".
When I moved to Seattle, I was surprised by Seattle bus passengers as they are so different in New York. In New York, you can see something or someone surprising or unexpected, like street performers playing instruments or breakdancing in the subway cars, but not in the bus. But in here, you see so many interesting people onboard. Today, when I was riding, the bus passed through the bus stop as no one was waiting there. Then, there was this lady walking toward the bus stop to take the bus, and the bus just left the stop right before she got there...of course accidentally...then she screams,
to the bus driver... Though all the windows were closed, seems like everyone in the bus heard it, and bursted into laughter :p This is a story of beautiful spring day in Seattle!